Archive for the ‘ShinePHP WordPress Plugins’ Category

Silence is Golden Guard WordPress plugin

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Silence is Golden Guard

Silence is Golden Guard

Silence is golden guard WordPress plugin prevents your blog directories from listing if visitor types just directory name as the URL,
e.g. http://yourdomain/wp-content/plugins/
Did you see small 30 bytes only index.php files in the folders of WordPress installation? If you don’t know for what reason those files included into WordPress package please read this post “Silence is Golden”.
This plugin can scan your WordPress blog installation subdirectories for the presence of such dummy index.php files and create it if index.php file doesn’t exist in the directory. As the second line of defence against directory listing plugin can add special “-Indexes” option into Apache Web Server .htaccess file placed at the WordPress root directory.

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Thank You Counter Button WordPress Plugin

Monday, October 5th, 2009

thank you counter button wordpress plugin

thank you counter button

This is the visitor’s “Thank you” or “I like it” clicks counter. Every time a new visitor clicks the “Thank you” button one point is added to the total “thanks” counter for this post. Plugin uses AJAX to send data to the server and get it back. So no page reload is required. The plugin stores its counters in its own MySQL table. Only one “thanks” for the same IP-address can be permitted. Plugin can skip all further “Thank you” clicks from that IP-address once it is automatically registered. Total quant of thanks is displayed on the button just to the right from the click invitation text. Invitation text is ‘Thank You’ by default, but it can be changed at the plugin Settings page. Plugin has wide range of options to customize its behaviour and presentation. Live preview will help to select more suitable style.

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