I use NetBeans IDE for PHP developement about 2 years. It is robust, comprehensive and very convenient IDE with PHP support. Main features of NetBeans IDE for PHP were described in NetBeans for PHP development post. What’s new in the 6.9 version?
As official release notes says there are next new features realized in version 6.9:
* More editor hints
* Spell checker support in the Editor
* Help menu item for reporting bugs and slowness against NetBeans IDE
What new features can we use in every day PHP development? There are:
* PHP Zend Framework support
* “Overrides/Implements” and “Is Overridden/Implemented” annotations
* New formatter with many formatting rules
* Refactoring and find usages for CSS and HTML-like languages
* Code completion and hyperlinking for id and class selector attributes
* Refactoring to extract inlined styles to a separate style section
Try it and possibly you will left it as your main PHP development IDE. You can download NetBeans for PHP v.6.9 beta here at http://download.netbeans.org/netbeans/6.9/beta/.