Development version Netbeans 7.0 Milestone 2 is available for download from Download NetBeans IDE 7.0 Milestone 2.
What are the differences between 6th and 7th releases for PHP web developer? New things include Platform (less intrusive checking for external changes when switching between the IDE and other programs), Editor (word wrap, show invisible characters, HTML 5 support features) and PHP support (generate PhpDoc, rename refactoring, safe delete refactoring) changes.
General NetBeans IDE 7.0 for PHP View
Platform changes is concerning Native Filesystem listening: The IDE no longer scans for external changes in your source directories when you switch in and out of the IDE window. Instead, the IDE relies on native OS file system listeners. Supported on Windows, any modern Linux, latest Mac OS X.
Web languages changes:
– JSON Formatter – it’s possible to format .json files.
– HTML5 is now supported by the netbeans html editor.
– Improved HTML code validation by is performed
– Run file without project
– Generate PhpDoc
– Rename refactoring;
Rename is one of the most useful refactoring operations. Developer can change the name of a selected type, type member, function, constant or variable in the code. Users of NetBeans PHP IDE have been able to use the Instant Rename feature since 6.5. Instant Rename renames all elements in the scope of one file. Now with NetBeans 7.0 M2 the user can also use Rename Refactoring. Rename Refactoring can rename elements not only in the scope of one file but also looks up all appropriate occurrences in the whole project and then renames them. Simply put the caret on the identifier and press Ctrl+R or user the context menu. Local changes are still made instantly in-place by Instant Rename, which is true e.g. for local variables, parameters in functions or methods and the same for private type members.
– Safe Delete Refactoring – Checks for references to a code element and then automatically deletes that element if no other code references it.
– PHP 5.3 – support for aliases.
You can join other community volunteers in the NetCAT 7.0 testing program. Get your NetBeans bug(s) fixed.
Plan of important announcements, milestones and tasks during the NetCAT program:
- November, 1, 2010 – Program announced on nbusers and nbdev lists. Volunteers joining NetCAT.
- November, 8, 2010 – NetCAT team starts testing daily builds.
- November, 12, 2010 – NetBeans 7.0 Beta #1 release.
- November, 16, 2010 – First weekly report sent.
- December, 24-31, 2010 – Christmas break.
- January, 18, 2011 – NetBeans 7.0 Beta #2 release.
- January, 19, 2011 – Early CA research.
- January, 20, 2011 – Documentation review.
- January, 28, 2011 – Final CA survey questions defined.
- February, 10, 2011 – NetBeans 7.0 RC release, CA survey opened.
- February, 28, 2011 – CA survey closed, results processed.
- March, 3, 2011 – Last weekly report sent.
- March, 8, 2011 – NetBeans 7.0 FCS release, NetCAT game over.
Information sources:
- Important Message: NetBeans 6.10 Changes to NetBeans 7.0
- NetBeans IDE 7.0 Milestone 2 Available for Download
- NetBeans IDE 7.0 Testers Wanted
- NetBeans 7.0 New and Noteworthy page
- NetCAT 7.0 program
Other posts about Netbeans IDE for PHP:
- NetBeans IDE for PHP development
- NetBeans IDE for PHP 6.9 beta
- NetBeans 6.9 Release Candidate 1
- NetBeans 6.9 for PHP