Platinum SEO 1.3.2. What is new?

Platinum SEO 1.3.2. What's new?

Platinum SEO 1.3.2. What's new?

Platinum SEO WordPress plugin version 1.3.2 was published at 13 February, 2010. It is a good news. It has a full enough set of options. It works good and don’t bother me with bugs. It don’t ask donations insistently as some others plugins can do. I like this plugin. And I was glad to get something new from its author.
ChangeLog note at says about some compatibility with WordPress 2.9.1 fix. What was incompatible with WordPress 2.9.1? What was changed in this plugin version really? Do you need to make upgrade for this version? Interested? Proceed reading.
I compared the files in the versions 1.3.1 and 1.3.2. What are the differences?
There are no any differences.

It is not the joke. I’m very serious. Just version number in the platinum_seo_pack.php is changed to the 1.3.2 and readme.txt contains information about WordPress 2.9.1 compatibility now. ChangeLog section has this information

= 1.3.1 =
* 2010-02-13 - Compatible with Wordpress 2.9.1

1.3.1 was put by mistake here I think. It should be 1.3.2.

It is time to ask plugin author, what’s the reason to assign a next version to plugin and force plugin users to make upgrade if there are no any updates in the code? If you,as the WordPress plugin developer, need to update WordPress version compatibility information and have not any code update you can update the readme.txt file only.
I’m sure: If you use the “Platinum SEO” plugin then you can skip its version 1.3.2.

February 15, 2010 new WordPress 2.9.2 was released. So we can see the next “Platinum SEO” WordPress plugin version 1.3.3. published soon. Just as the next WordPress version compatibility information update. Right?

As the little bonus for the reader, who doesn’t have much PHP knowledge or experience I put here the advice how to make your “Platinum SEO” plugin usage more secure.
By default “Platinum SEO” put its own comments text into final HTML generated by your WordPress blog. Pay attention on the text between <!– and –> HTML comment symbols:

<!-- platinum seo pack 1.3.2 -->
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow,noodp,noydir" />
<meta name="description" content="..." />
<meta name="keywords" content="..." />
<link rel="canonical" href="http://yourdomainname/" />
<!-- /platinum one seo pack -->

Visitor if look at your HTML source code can know that your site uses “Platinum SEO 1.3.2.” plugin. If some “Platinum SEO” plugin version has vulnerability, attacker could use it to get control on your site.
To remove that information from your blog pages, open the platinum_seo_pack.php file at your favorite text editor, find at the line #366 this code fragment

echo "\n<!-- platinum seo pack $this->version ";
if ($this->ob_start_detected) {
echo "ob_start_detected ";
//echo "[$this->title_start,$this->title_end] ";
echo "-->\n";

and comment this fragment wrapping it with new lines using /* and */ PHP comment characters. You need to get this code finally:

echo "\n<!-- platinum seo pack $this->version ";
if ($this->ob_start_detected) {
echo "ob_start_detected ";
//echo "[$this->title_start,$this->title_end] ";
echo "-->\n";

You removed just the first “<!– platinum seo pack 1.3.2 –>” line from your page header now. To remove the second “<!– /platinum one seo pack –>” one go to the line #1251 at the same platinum_seo_pack.php file, find this code and comment it with // characters.

echo "<!-- /platinum one seo pack -->\n";

That’s done. You removed unneeded “Platinum SEO” plugin comments from your blog pages header.

Next, if you decide to hide the “Platinum SEO” plugin usage, you may need to uncheck the "Link To Platinum SEO:" check box option at “Platinum SEO” option page.
If this option turned on then you will have the code below at the bottom of every page of your blog.

<small>SEO Powered by <a href="" target="_blank">Platinum SEO</a> from <a href="" target="_blank">Techblissonline</a></small>

Thanks, for reading.

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