Posts Tagged ‘PHP’

php curl sslv3 allert illegial parameter

Friday, February 17th, 2012

PHP Curl SSL Version

PHP Curl SSL Version

Working with one site via PHP CURL library recently, I met strange error. Site returned nothing to my CURL request from PHP code, but worked fine for the same URL via browser. What the mysticism was happened there? I started my research.

1st, I found CURLOPT_VERBOSE parameter. If you can not guess what is wrong with your CURL request, turn on CURLOPT_VERBOSE parameter. It’s very useful in such situation:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);

Setting its value to TRUE forces CURL to output verbose information. It writes output to STDERR, or the file specified using CURLOPT_STDERR.
So I added parameter above and made step forward at once. I got the reason, why my CURL request didn’t work. CURL returned this information in the verbose mode:

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NetBeans IDE for PHP 7.1 available

Thursday, January 5th, 2012

NetBeans IDE for PHP 7.1

NetBeans IDE for PHP 7.1

Today, January 5th, 2012 team announced, that NetBeans IDE 7.1 released. Congratulations!
I use NetBeans as my main integrated development environment to work with PHP. So, I downloaded it just got the notification email from What is first impression? First impression is right the most of the time. On my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS installation was smooth and fast. After 1st start NetBeans as usual asked permission to import settings from the previous installation. Finally, it started and worked as it should. The main part – debugging with FireFox browser still works. So I can continue my Web development work under this version.
Small negative – I don’t know where the reason, but I caught the situation, when NetBeans editor window lost cursor focus.

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NetBeans IDE for PHP 7.1 Beta

Sunday, October 9th, 2011

NetBeans for PHP 7.1 Beta

NetBeans for PHP 7.1 Beta

Developers of popular free NetBeans IDE announced at, that version 7.1 beta (including PHP support) is available.
What’s new this version offers for PHP developers? According to official release information page web developers can find this enhanced features in upcoming 7.1 release: Support for CSS3, Code completion and documentation for new CSS3 elements, Browser specific properties, Improved PHP debugging, PHPUnit test groups capabilities, Support for Smarty templates, Faster uploads with keep-alive for (S)FTP client.
Let’s take a closer look at NetBeans version 7.1 Beta.

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NetBeans 7.0 for PHP Waiting for Connection to XDebug

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

NetBeans IDE 7.0 for PHP and XDebug

NetBeans IDE 7.0 for PHP and XDebug

Recently I met with one annoying thing during work on the small PHP programming task. My favorite IDE for PHP development NetBeans failed to connect to the PHP debug library xDebug. It just shows “NetBeans XDebug waiting for connection message’ in the status line for long time. See the example on the image below. What is going wrong? I tried to recall what I did recently with my box and what could be the reason of such a pity that I could not use more built-in NetBeans PHP debugger.
Yes, I installed system updates including (FireFox libraries) for my Ubuntu. Little earlier I moved to NetBeans for PHP 7.0. May be something wrong is in my setup? I raise accesible manuals, digged the Net, triple times re-checked depended settings. All of them were in the right state, but Ubuntu-Apache-PHP-NetBeans bundle still not allowed me to debug PHP scripts in the habitual, effective and convenient way. For any case I restarted Apache 1st, then reboot the whole system. Nothing helped.

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NetBeans IDE 7.0 Beta for PHP

Friday, November 19th, 2010

NetBeans 7.0 Beta

NetBeans 7.0 Beta

Congratulations! November 19th, 2010 Netbeans team announced that NetBeans IDE 7.0 Beta is available for downloads. The final release of NetBeans IDE 7.0 is planned for March 2011. NetBeans IDE 7.0 Beta is available in English, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese, as well as in several community-translated languages. NetBeans Platform with version 7.0 got general performance enhancements (less intrusive checking for external changes when switching between the IDE and other programs) and tight integration with Profiler. New features useful for PHP developers are: HTML5 editing support, JSON formatter, Generate PhpDoc, Rename refactoring, Safe Delete Refactoring, PHP 5.3 – Support for aliases.
Read more details about NetBeans IDE 7.0 for PHP enhancements at this page.
What important thing should you know before install NetBeans IDE 7.0 Beta on your desktop?

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Netbeans IDE 7.0 Milestone 2 for PHP

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

NetBeans IDE 7.0 Milestone 2

Netbeans IDE 7.0 Milestone 2

October 7th, 2010 the NetBeans Team informed community of changes to the NetBeans roadmap. Next release, NetBeans 6.10, was renamed to NetBeans 7.0. The reason – the change allows the NetBeans IDE versioning to be more clearly aligned with the Java platform. In March 2011, NetBeans 7.0 will provide support for JDK 7 language features and JDK 7 Beta. When JDK 7 production is released a patch release of NetBeans 7.0 should provide support for this final version.
Development version Netbeans 7.0 Milestone 2 is available for download from Download NetBeans IDE 7.0 Milestone 2.
What are the differences between 6th and 7th releases for PHP web developer? New things include Platform (less intrusive checking for external changes when switching between the IDE and other programs), Editor (word wrap, show invisible characters, HTML 5 support features) and PHP support (generate PhpDoc, rename refactoring, safe delete refactoring) changes.

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NetBeans 6.9 for PHP

Thursday, July 1st, 2010

NetBeans 6.9

NetBeans 6.9

NetBeans 6.9 for PHP is available for download. NetBeans IDE runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris. It is open-source and free. See what is new and cool in the latest NetBeans 6.9 release. The NetBeans IDE is an integrated development environment for software developers. It provides the tools you need to create professional desktop, enterprise, web, and mobile applications with the most of modern programming languages, including of course PHP.
If you interesting not PHP only you would like to know that NetBeans IDE 6.9 introduces the JavaFX Composer, a visual layout tool for visually building JavaFX GUI applications, similar to the Swing GUI builder for Java SE applications. Additional highlights include OSGi interoperability for NetBeans Platform applications and support for developing OSGi bundles with Maven; support for JavaFX SDK 1.3, PHP Zend framework, and Ruby on Rails 3.0; as well as improvements to the Java Editor, Java Debugger, issue tracking, and more…

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