edit-theme-options user capability
‘edit_theme_options’ capability seems to be self-explained. It’s primary purpose is to provide access to WordPress front-end theme options changing.
On practice, if you have ‘edit_theme_options’ capability, then you have access to the ‘Appearance’ menu at WordPress admin back-end and to its menu items: “Themes” (select a theme for your WordPress front-end) and “Menus” (edit menus supported by your selected theme). Customize theme header image, background color, etc. section and ‘Widgets’ menu items require ‘edit_theme_options’ capability also.
How it is realized? How often and at what places WordPress uses/checks this user capability – ‘edit_theme_options’ in order to decide give current user permission to edit theme options or prohibit access to such functionality? Let’s check this together. We will make a quick look into WordPress version 3.4.2 core source code and comment its related fragments.