– CSS classes (thanks_quant_for_post, thanks_total_quant_label, thanks_total_quant_value) were added to sidebar widget. Use it to make your widget more attractive.
– Colon is removed from button caption. So add it manually to the button caption, if you need that.
– ShinePHP.com RSS feed box was removed from the plugin Settings page.
– Sidebar widget data could be filtered by category now. Just select needed category from the dropdown list at the widget configuration form.
– Thanks from custom post types are shown in the widgets now.
– TYCB plugin Settings form is updated (check your settings after version update, just in case they were changed suddenly 😉 ).
– TYCB Statistics data tab is moved from Settings page to the separate menu item under Tools menu.
– Button image is changed slightly when you hover mouse on it.
More details about “Thank You Counter Button” WordPress plugin is available here.
Tags: wordpress plugin