User Role Editor 4.0 Beta

User Role Editor

User Role Editor

User Role Editor version 4.0 Beta is available for testing.
The changes are:

  • Added support for the “Gravity Forms” user capabilities. User Role Editor is integrated with “Gravity Forms” now and you can include “Gravity Forms” plugin capabilities to your blog user roles.
  • Full code refactoring is made. Code is fully restructured and encapsulated to PHP classes. Enhanced security is applied: internal global variables are not in use at User Role Editor anymore, WordPress global variable are used only.

Please help testing this new version of User Role Editor plugin. Be aware that it is Beta version and it is not recommended to use in critical production environment. At least make full backup of your site first.
Leave your feedback about bugs or problem, which could arise due to so global changes applied to the plugin source code.

This update is also a part of preparation to the publish of additional modules for the Pro version of the User Role Editor plugin, which be realized on the new plugin code base to offer you new functionality declared at development plan.